Buy Nest Vanilla Bourbon here
bourbon vanilla
brown sugar
night-blooming jasmine
‘This enticing warm gourmand eau de parfum conjures the pleasure of unhurried indulgences with the sumptuous scent of vanilla bourbon absolute, a sophisticated blend of orange bitters and rich brown sugar, and an inviting trail of night-blooming jasmine and soft musk. NEST New York founder Laura Slatkin was inspired to create Vanilla Bourbon after a memorable evening at one of Manhattan’s most iconic bars famous for its eclectic crowd, art-deco décor, and live music. As she settled into the warmth of the dimly lit leather banquettes and leaned in a little closer to the conversation over the soft melody of the piano, she knew she had to capture the languid intimacy that lingered in the air that night with a fragrance that invites you to pause at every pleasure.’ – Sephora