‘As countless people will rapturously express to you; ‘the best Mukhallat (perfumery blend) I have ever smelt is SAQR.’ Released online in 2013 SAQR represented the pinnacle of perfumery. Composed on the foundation of the best of raw ingredients it was a delight to the senses. A joyful orchestra of nature’s boutique of scents, its crescendo pure and freeing, It was no surprise to us to receive numerous appeals for a SAQR II…and so began the lengthy journey. The tricky challenge to compose a piece of art that would live up to the expectations set by its’ predecessor. SAQR II is a melodious symphony of Oudhs, sandalwoods, Ta’ifi Rose, Himalayan Musk and Ambergris that celebrate the nuances in the beauty of nature. The imagery for this scent was to capture the more refined aspects of natures’ raw and brute strength. What makes us appreciate the beauty of a slight bird riding the great hump whale? The stealth sweeping of a falcon, the delicate blossoming gardens of rose, the gnarled and ancient century-old trees found in tropical forests sheltering thousands of birds singing the most melodious songs the ears have ever heard… Every single one of these scenes touch our hearts, bring about unexplainable emotions and pay tribute to the Creators splendour and natures majesty.‘ – Al Shareef Oudh