Exclusive to France. Released to commemorate the Saut Hermes horse jumping event.
‘Often, returning from their riding lesson, riders are reluctant to change tents, in order to longer keep on them the good stable smell with which their clothes are still impregnated. It’s a bit the same phenomenon as Christine Nagel, creative director and the olfactory heritage of Hermès Parfums, felt in contact with Hermès Ryan, a horse met backstage at Saut Hermès, this annual event of the best riders and the best horses in the world. Same persistence, same seduction!
How, then, can we preserve, reconstitute, “encapsulate” this unique atmosphere, made of an indefinable mixture of plant and amber woody scents, of which it would be difficult to establish an exhaustive inventory? There is, of course, the horse itself – but not only that! There is his straw and his, hay. Barley and oats, which are sometimes garnished with sweets. There are girths, saddles, stirrup leathers, cleaned and greased with odorous ointments. There are these strong embrocations, cade oil, pine tar, called “from Norway”, with which we coat the hooves. And then, dominating all the wood, the leather, the wax – there is… the crortin Which Christine Nagel does not hesitate to describe as delicious!
The poets have spoken of their visual emotion or their active intoxication in contact with these fragrant straw buns¹” produced by the horse, comisie, coming out of the oven, on the pastry chef’s tray”. One of the virtues of this “delicious dung being composed of almost pure cellulose gave the Brousses paper mill the idea of making a paper which, when brought to one’s nostrils, gives off a sweet smell of dried ground. The same set of olfactory complexities and subtleties inspired Christine Nagel to create an eau de parfum, which, for riders and nature lovers, will be what the famous Madeleine was for Proust: the means of finding only a familiar smell, but also memories, emotions, joys.’ – Hermes (Auto-Translated)