‘Kedu veiled in sesame; an amazing interlude for a journey of renewed pleasure. Memo Paris journeys are not always long. During brief yet extraordinary stopovers, a fragrance can be dreamed up for a limited edition. Sesame and grapefruit come together and merge like the landscape that inspired them, the high plain of Kedu. Nestled on the island of Java, at the heart of Indonesia, this land is fertile, luxuriant and volcanic in one. The generosity of nature and the eruptive proximity of the Merapi volcano resound in echo, just like the promise of sesame and the burst of grapefruit answer one another. The same vitality, the same vigorous energy flows from one to the other, giving the composition all of its depth and breadth. From the flames of the Javan temple of Borobudur, Kedu is embellished with smooth and rich notes of roasted sesame seeds to create Kedu Sesame.’ – Memo Paris