michigan cherry-wine absolute
mexican vanilla
black ambergris & sandalwood co-absolute
north american muskrat musk
damask rose absolute
monoglian deer musk
virginian tobacco absolute
virginian cedarwood absolute
vintage musk ambrette
carolina reaper co2
‘I have to admit, I was always surprised that American Pharaoh became the cult classic it did. To me, I’ve always viewed it as an extremely divisive perfume, you either love it, or you hate it. This gold, cask strength edition of American Pahraoh II is a preview of a retailer exclusive release. Served up at cask strength, uncut and unfiltered. Take everything folks love about American Pharaoh and crank up the volume. More musk. More Black Ambergris. More Cherry. And this time around, shroud it in Chocolate.’ – Folkwinds